About Us

Hello, Namaste, Salaam, Vanakkam! Let’s Get Candid

Light Buzz Media is a progressive digital marketing agency and the brainchild of a determined enthusiast that was initiated to give a new face to digital marketing solutions. Determination is not just what sowed the seeds of a new beginning but it was also expertise! Specialist in all things digital, the maverick introduced the company to tick all your digital requirements. At Light Buzz Media, we work relentlessly to give your brand a digital makeover that you and your audience just cannot get over. We go above and beyond to offer optimized solutions that turn your brand into the main character of the digital realm! We ensure to make you the King of all digital trade and with every move, we help you say ‘Checkmate’.

At Light Buzz Media, we provide strategies for your brand that are not just loved by your audience but Google too. Through the skills and techniques of our maestros, we built a pathway of excellence for your brand that takes it all the way to the Top of the search engines! We desist monotony and believe in offering originality that puts the spotlight right on you that makes you hard to miss. For every penny you invest, we ensure to get the best ROI through not just any strategies but only the best that sets you apart from the rest. With our skills and techniques, we erase the Light Buzz and complete your story by adding in words such as- Profits, Results, Excellence and more.


About Us | Light Buzz Media | Digital Marketing Agency

Nishi Makkar

A digital marketing enthusiast and the ‘Know it All’, Nishi Makkar is the ‘Light & Life’ of Light Buzz Media, literally. Execution and servicing being her forte, you’ll always find her either on call or in a meeting or scrolling through memes. She adds the expert in the ‘expertise’, with her utmost dedication and zeal to deliver only the best for the clients. Being the best at what she does, Nishi has always strived to make the digital journey of the clients seamless by surpassing every hindrance of miscommunication and misunderstanding. The Captain America of our clan, she leads like a true leader!

The Light Buzz Media Experience

We aren’t’ just a company driven by the zeal to deliver off-the-scale results but your partner in brilliance. From hiring to execution and more, everything we do, we do it for our employees and clients! Because ‘how can you not work for your family when family is all you got.’.


We’re Doers

We never give up. That’s just not us. We make things happen, even the impossible.


We begin to never stop

We work to offer the right environment for our employees and the right results for our clients till ∞


Our key to no nonsense? Communication

We talk for clarity because we believe in the power of clear communication and no drama.


It’s Logic or nothing

At our abode, we drop everything that makes no sense. Well, if there’s no logic in something, it’s only going to be tragic.

our Mission

To offer clients bespoke services through state-of-the-art technology and systems designed to cater to their requirements and yields optimal returns.

our vision

To create a unique digital identity for our clients by amalgamating result-driven strategies, well-defined techniques and unique methodology that drives them to the Top!

Contact us

Want to create an indelible mark in the digital industry?
Let’s catch up over a cup of coffee (We have Tea and Cola too!)